The baramundi EMM Agent offers manageability for Android enterprise devices.
Please make sure that this app is approved for your company devices in order to receive updates automatically.
Minimum requirements:
- baramundi Management Suite, version 2018 R2
- Android, Version 7.0
Please note that the baramundi EMM Agent requires the client management software baramundi Management Suite and a valid license for the baramundi Mobile Devices module. Your Android device must be managed by the baramundi Management Suite to use the features of the app. In order to do this, you need access data from your system administrator.
If you need help with the baramundi EMM Agent, please contact your system administrator.
About the baramundi Management Suite:
baramundi software GmbH provides companies and organizations with efficient, secure, and cross-platform management of workstation environments. Around the world, over 2,500 customers of all sizes and from every sector benefit from the German manufacturer's many years of experience and outstanding products. These are compiled into an integrated, future-orientated unified-endpoint-management approach in baramundi Management Suite: endpoint management, mobile device management, and endpoint security are provided via a shared interface, using a single database, and according to global standards.
baramundi Management Suite optimizes IT management processes by automating routine tasks and providing an extensive overview of the status of the network and clients. It relieves the pressure on IT administrators and ensures that wherever they are, users always have the necessary rights and applications on all platforms and form factors, whether on PCs, notebooks, mobile devices, or in virtual environments.
baramundi software GmbH is headquartered in Augsburg. The products and services of the company, which was founded in 2000, are fully Made in Germany. baramundi successfully works with partner companies around the world in sales, consultancy, and user support.
Learn more about us at
If you have any questions about the baramundi Management Suite and managing your Android Enterprise device with this solution, please contact your company's IT department.